

The latest company news from Ecrebo


LloydsPharmacy partners with Ecrebo to bring bespoke offers and savings to customers

LloydsPharmacy, the second largest pharmacy chain in the UK, are using leading point-of-sale (POS) marketing specialist Ecrebo’s OnPoint Total Receipt Marketing® solution to help drive targeted engagement and bring a range of benefits to the 2.5 million customers who visit their stores every month. LloydsPharmacy are the first UK pharmacy multiple to partner with Ecrebo, who will be working to leverage customer interactions and data, helping the pharmacy retailer to communicate with its customers more quickly and effectively. LloydsPharmacy will add personalized offers and messages to paper receipts issued at over 1100 locations nationwide. The partnership launched earlier this month and comes after a successful trial of Ecrebo’s light-touch POS software technology in 250 LloydsPharmacy stores. This has now been rolled out to the whole estate, excluding pharmacies located in Sainsbury’s, helping them to expand customer loyalty as the business adapts to changing shopping behaviors and customer needs post-pandemic.

David Buckingham

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